Real Estate by Scott J. Miller

The Wonderful World of Green – Tips for Hydrating Plants

You may not know it, but there are proper methods to watering your plants that involve more than just pouring water on top. Plant size, soil type, weather, sun exposure and time of year all factor into how much water is needed. Timing and frequency are also important, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. So how do you effectively manage your dampening strategy? Consider:

Since there are so many different aspects of an effective watering system, there are also many opportunities for blunders. Here are a few common missteps to avoid:

Watering Too Frequently – Adding too much could kill your plants because it drowns them and cuts off the oxygen. Each plant is different, but you could look out for yellow, wilted or dropped leaves, brown spots, mushy stems and molding soil to understand if your plant is being overwatered.

There are also regional variations and differing needs of specific plants, so check with your local gardening center for more information. Paying attention to your plant’s moisture and developing a watering strategy will have your garden flourishing in a wonderful world of green in no time.